Brown Owl Park is a residential development located just north of Upper Hutt city, in Wellington. It will be sub divided into 37 residential sites all around 450-500m2 in size. The location is an idyllic peaceful setting, with parks, nature reserves and rivers all within a few minutes drive.
It also offers close proximity to commute to Wellington for work or the Wairarapa for leisure, both in less than an hour.
Voxell was engaged by the client to act as the lead consultant managing the resource consent application and project team along with designing the overall urban plan and architecture for the 37 lot residential development.
Working with the client we co-created the overall vision for a residential community that maximises the tranquil setting, best utilises the land mass and ultimately plays an important part in fulfilling the local demand for affordable housing.

The following key criteria determined our concept design for the subdivision.
1. Establishing an access connection from Brown Owl to Timberlea with NZ Transport Agency
2. Meeting Upper Hutt City Councils requirement for a minimum site area of 400m2 with a maximum build footprint of 35% coverage.
3. Creating diversity by developing variation in the plot shapes and sizes to balance the subdivision.
4. To establish a sense of community, we needed to ensure that the majority of sites had street frontage.
5. To gentrify the area by creating a sense of place, we created a principle for landscaping that would need to be adhered to for all future purchasers.

In addition to providing design services, Voxell 3D modeled the entire subdivision creating high quality visualisations, that have been used for marketing and sales purposes.