Voxell Goes Greener
We’re proud to announce that both Steve and Jasper, are working towards becoming Homestar assessors. Their expertise will contribute directly towards Voxell’s ambition of cultivating a more proactive stance in leading sustainable design and construction in our industry.
Voxell, as a firm, is also an official member of the NZGBC who are passionate advocates for better buildings. They know that greener buildings mean healthier, happier Kiwis - and we agree. Buildings and their construction account for as much as 20% of New Zealand's emissions. By collectively evolving the way buildings are designed and built, we can dramatically reduce carbon footprints and improve the health and wellbeing of kiwis.
More specifically, Homestar is a holistic rating tool designed by NZGBC to independently assess the health, efficiency, and sustainability of homes across Aotearoa. The rating scale of a Homestar building ranges from 6-10. 10 recognising world-leading standards for design, construction, and efficiency in operation, and 6 recognising a home that has been built above the current standards set by the New Zealand building code.
To achieve their homestar assessor certification, Steve and Jasper will learn the fundamentals of Homestar and their benefits to the market, as well as deepening their knowledge of how products or services help both us as architectural designers and our clients, to achieve Homestar ratings.
“At Voxell we are passionate advocates for homes that are warmer, drier, and more energy-efficient. We're excited to become members of the NZ Green Building Council and look forward to working with our clients to achieve Homestar and Greenstar certification on future projects.”
- Steve Dixon, ‘Senior Architectural Technician’
We are proud to play a role in Aotearoa’s sustainable building movement and to directly influence more positive sustainable decisions within our design process at Voxell.
Find out more about NZGBC here.