Apr 19, 2024

Voxell and Toitū Envirocare: Working together for a Greener Tomorrow

We are thrilled to announce we are working with Toitū Envirocare, an initiative that enhances our dedication to environmental stewardship and marks a significant advancement in our sustainability journey.

This initiative will help us implement strategic, science based environmental management systems and achieve our sustainability objectives.

Our Plans with Toitū Envirocare include:

  • Annual Sustainability Audits: Toitū Envirocare will conduct detailed annual audits of our carbon footprint. These will help identify key areas where we can improve our environmental performance and reduce our carbon emissions effectively.
  • Certification and Reporting: With Toitū’s recognised certification programs, we will document and report our sustainability progress transparently. This will not only demonstrate our commitment but also hold us accountable to our goals and the expectations of our stakeholders.
  • Continuous Improvement: Leveraging Toitū’s expertise, we will continuously refine our sustainability strategies. This certification ensures that we stay informed about the latest in sustainable practices and technologies, allowing us to incorporate cutting-edge solutions into our projects.

Our strategic approach to sustainability reflects our commitment to lead and inspire. It’s about crafting spaces that respect our environment and enrich communities. We are not just designing for today but for our future generations to enjoy. At Voxell, sustainability is integral to creating designs that endure both aesthetically and environmentally," Lisa Maathuis, Head of Brand at Voxell. 

Working with Toitū Envirocare represents a pivotal step towards both setting and achieving new benchmarks in sustainable architecture. It underscores our resolve to not only reduce our environmental impact but also to inspire and lead the industry towards more sustainable practices.

"As architects and designers, we recognize our responsibility to shape the built environment with a sustainable mindset. We believe that by integrating sustainable practices into our work, we not only fulfill our responsibility to the planet but also empower our clients to embrace a greener, more resilient future" Steve Dixon, Senior Architectural Technician & Homestar Lead.