Voxell Team Wellness Session During COVID 19
Voxell Team Wellness Session During COVID 19
This afternoon the Voxell team all tuned in from their homes around Wellington, to a Zoom wellness workshop with Jennifer Young from Intentional Generations.The workshop was facilitated by Jen and enabled us to create an environment to discuss our well being and help each other get through this challenging period. These unprecedented and uncertain times have a huge impact on companies and their employees. With so much out of our control it’s important we channel our energy into what we can control, specifically our wellness.
Jen guided us through a series of questions that allowed our team to check in with each other and to openly discuss the challenges we are facing during the COVID19 lock down. Without the ability to feed off one another's energy, we acknowledged the lack of focus and energy that can occur, even in our most motivated and energetic employees. We were reassured by Jan that being in lock down facing increased levels of procrastination and depleted energy level is common across the teams she’s been talking to.
As well as recognising the challenges it was great to acknowledge what we are all grateful for at this time. Living in New Zealand with our fast, effective decision making towards COVID 19 so far, our family and friends, a supportive and proactive workplace, and the ability to collaborate with each other on our Voxell projects were common themes to arise.Having pets (like our office dog Archie) and the digital tools to easily keep in touch were also high on the list.
We discussed larger more general concerns about COVID 19 including the longer term economic impact, social interaction changes, and the health and safety of others especially elderly family. With a flood of media articles on our news feeds and constant streaming it’s easy to get engulfed in the maybe’s, what if’s, and all of the unknowns that make up our future. We can’t ignore these questions but we can’t let them always let them take center stage in our minds.
Jen’s advice was for us to focus on the now and on the things we can control. Channeling our energy into the projects we are working on, keeping communication high and focusing on the wellness of our Voxell family are the most important thing we can do.
Alongside our current communication practices, we plan to keep in regular communication through our daily Zoom meetings, calls and Friday drinks. We’re also looking at more fun ways to engage the team with some fitness challenges and maybe even a DJ session from our resident team DJ in the coming weeks!